

All interactions with the agdb are realized through queries. There are two kinds of queries:

  • Immutable queries
  • Mutable queries

Immutable queries read the data from the database through select and search queries. Mutable queries write to or delete from the database through insert and remove queries. All queries follow the Rust rules about borrowing:

There can be unlimited number of immutable concurrent queries or exactly one mutable query running against the database.

The queries are executed against the database by calling the corresponding method on the database object:

impl Db {
    // immutable queries only
    pub fn exec<T: Query>(&self, query: &T) -> Result<QueryResult, QueryError>
    // mutable queries only
    pub fn exec_mut<T: QueryMut>(&mut self, query: &T) -> Result<QueryResult, QueryError>

Alternatively you can run a series of queries as a transaction.

All queries return Result<QueryResult, QueryError>. The QueryResult is the universal data structure holding results of all queries in an uniform structure. The QueryError is the singular error type holding information of any failure or problem encountered when running the query.



The DbUserValue trait is an interface that can be implemented for user defined types so that they can be seamlessly used with the database:

pub trait DbUserValue: Sized {
    fn db_id(&self) -> Option<DbId>;
    fn db_keys() -> Vec<DbValue>;
    fn from_db_element(element: &DbElement) -> Result<Self, DbError>;
    fn to_db_values(&self) -> Vec<DbKeyValue>;

Typically you would derive this trait with agdb::UserValue procedural macro that uses the field names as keys (of type String) and loss-lessly converts the values when reading/writing from/to the database from supported types (e.g. field type i32 will become i64 in the database).

It is recommended but optional to have db_id field of type Option<T: Into<DbId>> (e.g. Option<QueryId> or Option<DbId>) in your user defined types which will further allow you to directly update your values with a query shorthands. However it is optional and all other features will still work including conversion from QueryResult or passing your types to values() in the builders.

The agdb::UserValue macro also supports Optional types. When a value is None it will be omitted when saving the object to the database.


struct User { db_id: Option<DbId>, name: String, }
let user = User { db_id: None, name: "Bob".to_string() };
let mut user: User = db.exec(QueryBuilder::select().values(User::db_keys()).ids(1).query())?.try_into()?; // User { db_id: Some(DbId(1)), name: "Bob" } = "Alice".to_string();
db.exec_mut(QueryBuilder::insert().element(&user).query())?; //updates the user element with new name

In some cases you may want to implement the DbUserValue trait yourself. For example when you want to omit a field enitrely or construct it based on other values.

Types not directly used in the database but for which the conversions are supported:

  • u32 <=> u64
  • i32 <=> i64
  • f32 <=> f64
  • Vec <=> Vec
  • Vec <=> Vec
  • Vec <=> Vec
  • &str => String (only one way conversion to String)
  • Vec<&str> => Vec (only one way conversion to Vec<String>)
  • bool (*)

* The boolean type is not a native type in the agdb but you can still use it in your types in any language. The bool type will be converted to u64 (0 == false, 1 == true). The Vec<bool> type will be converted to Vec<u8> (bytes, 0 == false, 1 == true). The conversion back to bool is possible from wider range of values - the same rules apply for vectorized version which however cannot be converted to from single values:

  • u64 / i64: any non-zero value will be true
  • f64: any value except 0.0 will be true
  • string: only "true" or "1" will be true


The QueryResult is the universal result type for all successful queries. It can be converted to user defined types that implement DbUserValue with try_into(). It looks like this:

pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64,
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>,

The result field holds numerical result of the query. It typically returns the number of database items affected. For example when selecting from the database it will hold a positive number of elements returned. When removing from the database it will hold a negative number of elements deleted from the database. The optional from and to fields will hold origin/destination id of an edge and will be None for nodes.

The elements field hold the database elements returned. Each element looks like:

pub struct DbElement {
    pub id: DbId,
    pub from: Option<DbId>,
    pub to: Option<DbId>,
    pub values: Vec<DbKeyValue>,

The id (i.e. pub struct DbId(i64)) is a numerical identifier of a database element. Positive number means the element is a node while negative number means the elements is an edge. The value 0 is a special value signifying no valid element and is used when certain queries return data not related to any particular element, e.g. aliases.

The values are key-value pairs (properties) associated with the given element:

pub struct DbKeyValue {
    pub key: DbValue,
    pub value: DbValue,

Where DbValue is:

pub enum DbValue {

Note the DbF64 type (i.e. pub struct DbF64(f64)) which is a convenient wrapper of f64 to provide opinionated implementation of some of the operations that are not floating type friendly like comparisons. In agdb the float type is using total_cmp standard library function (opens in a new tab). Please see its documentation for important details about possible limits or issues on certain platforms.

The enum variants can be conveniently accessed through methods named after each variant:

fn bytes(&self) -> Result<&Vec<u8>, DbError>;
fn to_bool(&self) -> Result<bool, DbError>;
fn to_f64(&self) -> Result<DbF64, DbError>;
fn to_i64(&self) -> Result<i64, DbError>;
fn to_u64(&self) -> Result<u64, DbError>;
fn to_string(&self) -> String;
fn string(&self) -> Result<&String, DbError>;
fn vec_f64(&self) -> Result<&Vec<DbF64>, DbError>;
fn vec_i64(&self) -> Result<&Vec<i64>, DbError>;
fn vec_u64(&self) -> Result<&Vec<u64>, DbError>;
fn vec_string(&self) -> Result<&Vec<String>, DbError>;
fn vec_bool(&self) -> Result<Vec<bool>, DbError>;

The numerical variants (I64, U64, DbF64) will attempt loss-less conversions where possible. To avoid copies all other variants return & where conversions are not possible even if they could be done in theory. The special case is to_string() provided by the Display trait. It converts any values into string (it also copies the String variant) and performs possibly lossy conversion from Bytes to UTF-8 string. For bool conversion details refer to DbUserValue section.

QueryError, DbError

Failure when running a query is reported through a single QueryError object which can optionally hold internal error (or chain of errors) that led to the failure. Most commonly it will represent data error or logic error in your query. Less commonly it may also report a failure to perform the requested operation due to underlying infrastructure issue (e.g. out of memory) in which case the nested error would be of type DbError. It is up to the client code to handle the errors.

QueryId, QueryIds

Most queries operate over a set of database ids. The QueryIds type is actually an enum:

pub enum QueryIds {

It represents either a set of actual ids or a search query that will be executed as the larger query and its results fed as ids to the larger query. The QueryId is defined as another enum:

pub enum QueryId {

This is because you can refer to the database elements via their numerical identifier or by the string alias (name). The DbId is then just a wrapper type: pub struct DbId(pub i64). Both QueryIds and QueryId can be constructed from large number of different types like raw i64, &str, String or vectors of those etc.


The QueryValues is a an enum type that makes a distinction between singular and multiple values like so:

pub enum QueryValues {

This is especially important because it can change the meaning of a query making use of this type. For example when inserting elements into the database and supplying QueryValues::Single all the elements will have the copy of the single set of properties associated with them. Conversely QueryValues::Multi will initialize each element with a different provided set of properties but the number of inserted elements and the number of property sets must then match (it would be a query logic error if they did not match and the query would fail with such an error).

Mutable queries

Mutable queries are the way to modify the data in the database. Remember there can only be a mutable query running against the database at any one time preventing all other mutable or immutable queries running concurrently. There are two types of mutable queries:

  • insert
  • remove

The insert queries are used for both insert and updating data while remove queries are used to delete data from the database.

Immutable queries

Immutable queries read the data from the database and there can be unlimited number of concurrent queries running against the database at the same time. There are two types of immutable queries:

  • select
  • search

The select queries are used to read the data from the database using known ids of elements. The search queries are used to find the ids and the result of search queries is thus often combined with the select queries.


You can run a series of queries as a transaction invoking corresponding methods on the database object:

impl Db {
    // immutable transaction
    pub fn transaction<T, E>(&self, mut f: impl FnMut(&Transaction) -> Result<T, E>) -> Result<T, E>
    // mutable transaction
    pub fn transaction_mut<T, E: From<QueryError>>(&mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut TransactionMut) -> Result<T, E>) -> Result<T, E>

The transaction methods take a closure that itself takes a transaction object as an argument. This is to prevent long lived transactions and force them to be as concise as possible. The transaction objects implement the same execution methods as the Db itself (exec / exec_mut). It is not possible to nest transactions but you can run immutable queries within a mutable transaction TransactionMut.

Note that you cannot manually abort, rollback or commit the transaction. These are handled by the database itself based on the result of the closure. If it's Ok the transaction will be committed (in case of the mutable queries as there is nothing to commit for immutable queries). If the result is Err the transaction will be rolled back.

In both cases the result will be returned and the signature of the transaction methods allows for custom mapping of the default Result<QueryResult, QueryError> to an arbitrary <T, E> result-error pair.

Worth noting is that regular exec / exec_mut methods on the Db object are actually implemented as transactions.


There are 5 distinct insert queries:

  • insert aliases
  • insert edges
  • insert nodes
  • insert index
  • insert values

Insert aliases

pub struct InsertAliasesQuery {
    pub ids: QueryIds,
    pub aliases: Vec<String>,
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of inserted/updated aliases
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // empty
QueryBuilder::insert().aliases("a").ids("b").query(); // alias "b" is replaced  with "a"
QueryBuilder::insert().aliases(["a", "b"]).ids([1, 2]).query();

Inserts or updates aliases of existing nodes (and only nodes, edges cannot have aliases) through this query. It takes ids QueryIds and list of aliases as arguments. The number of aliases must match the ids (even if they are a search query). Empty alias ("") are not allowed.

Note that this query is also used for updating existing aliases. Byt inserting a different alias of an id that already has one that alias will be overwritten with the new one.

Insert edges

pub struct InsertEdgesQuery {
    pub from: QueryIds,
    pub to: QueryIds,
    pub ids: QueryIds,
    pub values: QueryValues,
    pub each: bool,
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of inserted edges
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of inserted edges (only ids)
QueryBuilder::insert().edges().from("a").to([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().edges().from([1, 2]).to([2, 3]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().edges().from([1, 2]).to([2, 3]).each().query();
QueryBuilder::insert().edges().from("a").to([1, 2]).values([[("k", 1).into()], [("k", 2).into()]]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().edges().from("a").to([1, 2]).values_uniform([("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().edges().from(QueryBuilder::search().from("a").where_().node().query()).to(QueryBuilder::search().from("b").where_().node().query()).values([[("k", 1).into()], [("k", 2).into()]]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().edges().from(QueryBuilder::search().from("a").where_().node().query()).to(QueryBuilder::search().from("b").where_().node().query()).values_uniform([("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().edges().ids([-3, -4]).from(1).to(2).query();

The from and to represents list of origins and destinations of the edges to be inserted. As per QueryIds it can be a list, single value, search query or even a result of another query (e.g. insert nodes) through the call of convenient QueryResult::ids() method. All ids must be nodes and all must exist in the database otherwise data error will occur. If the values is QueryValues::Single all edges will be associated with the copy of the same properties. If values is QueryValues::Multi then the number of edges being inserted must match the provided values otherwise a logic error will occur. By default the from and to are expected to be of equal length specifying at each index the pair of nodes to connect with an edge. If all-to-all is desired set the each flag to true. The rule about the values QueryValues::Multi still applies though so there must be enough values for all nodes resulting from the combination. The values can be inferred from user defined types if they implement DbUserValue trait (#derive(agdb::UserValue)). Both singular nad vectorized versions are supported. Optionally one can specify ids that facilitates insert-or-update semantics. The field can be a search sub-query. If the resulting list in ids is empty the query will insert edges as normal. If the list is not empty all ids must exist and refer to existing edges and the query will perform update of values instead. Note: the specified from/to (origin/destination) for the updated edges is not checked against those supplied via ids.

Insert index

pub struct InsertIndexQuery(pub DbValue);
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of indexed values
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // empty

Creates an index for a key. The index is valid for the entire database including any and all existing values in the database. The purpose of the index is to provide faster lookup for data that is not modelled on the graph itself. Example can be looking up users by their username or token.

Insert nodes

pub struct InsertNodesQuery {
    pub count: u64,
    pub values: QueryValues,
    pub aliases: Vec<String>,
    pub ids: QueryIds,
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of inserted nodes
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of inserted nodes (only ids)
QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().count(2).values_uniform([("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().aliases(["a", "b"]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().aliases(["a", "b"]).values([[("k", 1).into()], [("k", 2).into()]]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().aliases(["a", "b"]).values_uniform([("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().values([[("k", 1).into()], [("k", 2).into()]]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().ids([1, 2]).count(1).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().ids(["a", "b"]).count(1).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().ids([1, 2]).values([[("k", "v").into()], [(1, 10).into()]]).query(),
QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().ids([1, 2]).values_uniform([("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()]).query(),

The count is the number of nodes to be inserted into the database. It can be omitted (left 0) if either values or aliases (or both) are provided. If the values is QueryValues::Single you must provide either count or aliases. It is not an error if the count is set to 0 but the query will be a no-op and return empty result. If both values QueryValues::Multi and aliases are provided their lengths must be compatible (aliases <= values), otherwise it will result in a logic error. Empty aliases ("") are not allowed. The values can be inferred from user defined types if they implement DbUserValue trait (#derive(agdb::UserValue)). Both singular nad vectorized versions are supported. Optionally one can specify ids that facilitates insert-or-update semantics. The field can be a search sub-query. If the resulting list in ids is empty the query will insert nodes as normal. If the list is not empty all ids must exist and must refer to nodes and the query will perform update instead - both aliases (replacing existing ones if applicable) and values.

If an alias already exists in the database its values will be amended (inserted or replaced) with the provided values.

Insert values

pub struct InsertValuesQuery {
    pub ids: QueryIds,
    pub values: QueryValues,
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of inserted key-value pairs
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of new elements
QueryBuilder::insert().element(&T { ... }).query(); //Where T: DbUserValue (i.e. #derive(UserValue))
QueryBuilder::insert().elements(&vec![T {...}, T {...}]).query(); //Where T: DbUserValue (i.e. #derive(UserValue))
QueryBuilder::insert().values([vec![("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()], vec![("k", 2).into()]]).ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().values([vec![("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()], vec![("k", 2).into()]]).ids(QueryBuilder::search().from("a").query()).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().values([vec![("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()], vec![("k", 2).into()]]).search().from("a").query(); //Equivalent to the previous query
QueryBuilder::insert().values_uniform([("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()]).ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().values_uniform([("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()]).ids(QueryBuilder::search().from("a").query()).query();
QueryBuilder::insert().values_uniform([("k", "v").into(), (1, 10).into()]).search().from("a").query(); //Equivalent to the previous query

Inserts or updates key-value pairs (properties) of existing elements or insert new elements (nodes). You need to specify the ids QueryIds and the list of values. The values can be either QueryValues::Single that will insert the single set of properties to all elements identified by ids or QueryValues::Multi that will insert to each id its own set of properties but their number must match the number of ids. If the user defined type contains db_id field of type Option<T: Into<QueryId>> you can use the shorthand insert().element() / .insert().elements() that will infer the values and ids from your types. The values() will be inferred from user defined types if they implement DbUserValue trait (#derive(agdb::UserValue)). Both singular nad vectorized versions are supported.

  • If an id is non-0 or an existing alias that element will be updated in the database with provided values.
  • If an id is 0 or an non-existent alias new element (node) will be inserted into the database with that alias.

Note: that this query is insert-or-update for both nodes and existing values. By inserting the same key its old value will be overwritten with the new one.


There are 4 distinct remove queries:

  • remove aliases
  • remove (elements)
  • remove index
  • remove values

Remove aliases

pub struct RemoveAliasesQuery(pub Vec<String>);
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // negative number of removed aliases
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // empty
QueryBuilder::remove().aliases(["a", "b"]).query();

The aliases listed will be removed from the database if they exist. It is NOT an error if the aliases do not exist in the database.

Remove elements

pub struct RemoveQuery(pub QueryIds);
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // negative number of removed ids
                     // (does not include removed edges
                     // unless listed in query ids)
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // empty
QueryBuilder::remove().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::remove().ids(["a", "b"]).query();
QueryBuilder::remove().search().from("a").query(); //Equivalent to the previous query

The elements identified by QueryIds will be removed from the database if they exist. It is NOT an error if the elements to be removed do not exist in the database. All associated properties (key-value pairs) are also removed from all elements. Removing nodes will also remove all their edges (incoming and outgoing) and their properties.

Remove index

pub struct RemoveIndexQuery(pub DbValue);
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // negative number of values removed
                     // from the index
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // empty

Removes an index from the database. It is NOT an error if the index does not exist in the database.

Remove values

pub struct RemoveValuesQuery(pub SelectValuesQuery);
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // negative number of actually removed
                     // key-value pairs
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // empty
QueryBuilder::remove().values(["k1".into(), "k2".into()]).ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::remove().values(["k1".into(), "k2".into()]).ids(QueryBuilder::search().from("a").query()).query();
QueryBuilder::remove().values(["k1".into(), "k2".into()]).search().from("a").query(); //Equivalent to the previous query

NOTE: See SelectValuesQuery for more details.

The properties (key-value pairs) identified by keys and associated with ids QueryIds will be removed from the database if they exist. It is an error if any of the ids do not exist in the database but it is NOT an error if any of the keys does not exist or is not associated as property to any of the ids.


There are following select queries:

  • select aliases
  • select all aliases
  • select edge count
  • select (elements)
  • select indexes
  • select keys
  • select key count
  • select values

Select aliases

pub struct SelectAliasesQuery(pub QueryIds);
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of returned elements
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of elements each with
                                  // a single property
                                  // (`String("alias")`: `String`)
QueryBuilder::select().aliases().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::select().aliases().search().from(1).query(); //Equivalent to the previous query

Selects aliases of the ids QueryIds or a search. If any of the ids does not have an alias running the query will return an error.

Select all aliases

pub struct SelectAllAliasesQuery {}
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of elements with aliases
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of elements with an
                                  // alias each with a single
                                  // property (`String("alias"): String`)

Selects all aliases in the database.

Select edge count

pub struct SelectEdgeCountQuery {
    pub ids: Ids,
    pub from: bool,
    pub to: bool
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of elements with aliases
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of elements with an
                                  // alias each with a single
                                  // property (`String("edge_count"): String`)
QueryBuilder::select().edge_count().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::select().edge_count_from().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::select().edge_count_to().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::select().edge_count().search().from("a").query(); // Equivalent to the previous query

Selects count of edges of nodes (ids). The edge_count variant counts all edges (outgoing & incoming). The edge_count_from counts only outgoing edges. The edge_count_to counts only incoming edges.

NOTE: Self-referential edges (going from the same node to the same node) will be counted twice in the first variant (edge_count) as the query counts ountgoing/incoming edges rather than unique database elements. As a result the edge_count result may be higher than the actual number of physical edges in such a case.

Select indexes

pub struct SelectIndexesQuery {};
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of indexes in the database
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // single element with id 0 and list of
                                  // properties representing each index
                                  // (`DbValue`: `u64`) where the key is
                                  // the indexed key and the value is number
                                  // of indexed values in the index.

Selects all indexes in the database.

Select keys

pub struct SelectKeysQuery(pub QueryIds);
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of returned elements
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of elements with only keys
                                  // defaulted values will be `I64(0)`
QueryBuilder::select().keys().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::select().keys().search().from(1).query(); // Equivalent to the previous query

Selects elements identified by ids QueryIds or search query with only keys returned. If any of the ids does not exist in the database running the query will return an error. This query is most commonly used for establishing what data is available in on the graph elements (e.g. when transforming the data into a table this query could be used to populate the column names).

Select key count

pub struct SelectKeyCountQuery(pub QueryIds);
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of returned elements
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of elements each with a
                                  // single property
                                  // (`String("key_count")`: `u64`)
QueryBuilder::select().key_count().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::select().key_count().search().from(1).query(); // Equivalent to the previous query

Selects elements identified by ids QueryIds or search query with only key count returned. If any of the ids does not exist in the database running the query will return an error. This query is most commonly used for establishing how many properties there are associated with the graph elements.

Select node count

pub struct SelectNodeCountQuery {}
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // Always  1
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // single element with single property (`String("node_count"): String`)

Selects number (count) of nodes in the database.

Select values

pub struct SelectValuesQuery {
    pub keys: Vec<DbValue>,
    pub ids: QueryIds,
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of returned elements
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of elements with only
                                  // selected properties
QueryBuilder::select().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::select().search().from(1).query(); // Equivalent to the previous query
QueryBuilder::select().values(["k".into(), "k2".into()]).ids("a").query();
QueryBuilder::select().values(["k".into(), "k2".into()]).ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::select().values(["k".into(), "k2".into()]).ids(QueryBuilder::search().from(1).query()).query();
QueryBuilder::select().values(["k".into(), "k2".into()]).search().from(1).query(); // Equivalent to the previous query
QueryBuilder::select().elements::<T>().search().from("a").query(); // Equivalent to the previous query

Selects elements identified by ids QueryIds or search query with only selected properties (identified by the list of keys). If any of the ids does not exist in the database or does not have all the keys associated with it then running the query will return an error. The search query is most commonly used to find, filter or otherwise limit what elements to select. You can limit what properties will be returned. If the list of properties to select is empty all properties will be returned. If you plan to convert the result into your user defined type(s) you should use either elements::<T>() variant or supply the list of keys to values() with T::db_keys() provided through the DbUserValue trait (#derive(UserValue)) as argument to values() otherwise the keys may not be in an expected order even if they are otherwise present.


pub struct SearchQuery {
    pub algorithm: SearchQueryAlgorithm,
    pub origin: QueryId,
    pub destination: QueryId,
    pub limit: u64,
    pub offset: u64,
    pub order_by: Vec<DbKeyOrder>,
    pub conditions: Vec<QueryCondition>,
pub struct QueryResult {
    pub result: i64, // number of elements found
    pub elements: Vec<DbElement>, // list of elements found (only ids)
pub enum SearchQueryAlgorithm {
pub enum DbKeyOrder {
QueryBuilder::search().to(1).query(); //reverse search
QueryBuilder::search().from("a").to("b").query(); //path search using A* algorithm
QueryBuilder::search().breadth_first().from("a").query(); //breadth first is the default and can be omitted
QueryBuilder::search().index("age").value(20).query(); //index search
//limit, offset and order_by can be applied similarly to all the search variants except search index
QueryBuilder::search().from(1).order_by([DbKeyOrder::Desc("age".into()), DbKeyOrder::Asc("name".into())]).query()

There is only a single search query that provides the ability to search the graph or indexes. When searching the graph it examines connected elements and their properties. While it is possible to construct the search queries manually, specifying conditions manually in particular can be excessively difficult and therefore using the builder pattern is recommended. The default search algorithm is breadth first however you can choose to use depth first. For path search the A* algorithm is used. For searching an index the algorithm is index. For searching disregarding the graph structure and indexes (full search) the algorithm is elements.

Very often you would want the values / elements to be returned from the search query. To accomplish it you need to nest the search query in the select query's ids() step. That fetches the data as the search query only traverses the graph. E.g. QueryBuilder::select().ids(QueryBuilder::search().from("alias").query()).query(). Refer to the Select Values query for details.

If the index search is done the graph traversal is skipped entirely as are most of the parameters including like limit, offset, ordering and conditions.

The graph search query is made up of the origin and destination of the search and the algorithm. Specifying only origin (from) will result in a search along from->to edges. Specifying only destination (to) will result in the reverse search along the to<-from edges. When both origin and destination are specified the search algorithm becomes a path search and the algorithm used will be A*. Optionally you can specify a limit (0 = unlimited) and offset (0 = no offset) to the returned list of graph element ids. If specified (!= 0) the origin and the destination must exist in the database, otherwise an error will be returned. The elements can be optionally ordered with order_by list of keys allowing ascending/descending ordering based on multiple properties.

When searching elements the database is being scanned in linerly one element (node & edge) at a time which can be very slow. Consider using limit in this case. However this search can be useful in exploration, when thethe database structure is not known, when searching for abandoned/lost elements and other edge cases not covered by regular search algorithms. The default order of returned elements is from lowest internal db id to the highest which does not necessarily indicate age of the elements as the ids can be reused when elements are deleted.

Finally the list of conditions that each examined graph element must satisfy to be included in the result (and subjected to the limit and offset).

NOTE: When both origin and destination are specified and the algorithm is switched to the A* the limit and offset are applied differently. In regular (open-ended) search the search will end when the limit is reached but with the path search (A*) the destination must be reached first before they are applied.


Path search (from().to()) uses A* algorithm. Every element (node or edge) has a cost of 1 by default. If it passes all the conditions (the SearchControl value true) the cost will remain 1 and would be included in the result (if the path it is on would be selected). If it fails any of the conditions (the SearchControl value false) its cost will be 2. This means that the algorithm will prefer paths where elements match the conditions rather than the absolutely shortest path (that can be achieved with no conditions). If the search is not to continue beyond certain element (through beyond(), not_beyond() or distance() conditions) its cost will be 0 and the paths it is on will no longer be considered for that search.


pub struct QueryCondition {
    pub logic: QueryConditionLogic,
    pub modifier: QueryConditionModifier,
    pub data: QueryConditionData,
pub enum QueryConditionLogic {
pub enum QueryConditionModifier {
pub enum QueryConditionData {
    KeyValue { key: DbValue, value: Comparison },
pub enum CountComparison {
pub enum Comparison {
//the where_() can be applied to any of the basic search queries after order_by/offset/limit
//not() and not_beyond() can be applied to all conditions including nested where_()
QueryBuilder::search().from(1).where_().keys(vec!["k1".into(), "k2".into()]).query();
QueryBuilder::search().from(1).where_().not().keys(vec!["k1".into(), "k2".into()]).query();
QueryBuilder::search().from(1).where_().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::search().from(1).where_().not().ids([1, 2]).query();
QueryBuilder::search().from(1).where_().node().or().where_().edge().and().key("k").value(Comparison::Contains(vec![1, 2].into())).end_where().query();

The currently supported conditions are:

  • Where (opens nested list of conditions)
  • Edge (if the element is an edge)
  • Node (if the element is a node)
  • Distance (if the current distance of the search satisfies the numerical comparison, each graph element away from the start increases the distance, including edges, i.e. second node from start is at distance 2)
  • EdgeCount (if the element is a node and total number of edges (in and out) satisfies the numerical comparison - self-referential edges are counted twice)
  • EdgeCountFrom (if the element is a node and total number of outgoing edges satisfies the numerical comparison)
  • EdgeCountTo (if the element is a node and total number of incoming edges satisfies the numerical comparison)
  • Ids (if the element id is in the list)
  • KeyValue (if the element's property has the key and its value satisfies value comparison)
  • Keys (if the element has all the keys regardless of their values)
  • EndWhere (closes nested list of conditions)

All conditions can be further modified as follows:

  • Beyond (continues the search only beyond this element)
  • Not (reverses the condition result)
  • NotBeyond (stops the search beyond this element)

The conditions can be changed with logic operators:

  • And (logical and)
  • Or (logical or)

NOTE: The use of where_ with an underscore as the method name is necessary to avoid conflict with the Rust keyword.

The conditions are applied one at a time to each visited element and chained using logic operators AND and OR. They can be nested using where_ and end_where (in place of brackets). The condition evaluator supports short-circuiting not evaluating conditions further if the logical outcome cannot change. The condition comparators are type strict meaning that they do not perform type conversions nor coercion (e.g. Comparison::Equal(1_i64).compare(1_u64) will evaluate to false). Slight exception to this rule is the Comparison::Contains as it allows vectorized version of the base type (e.g. Comparison::Contains(vec!["bc", "ef"]).compare("abcdefg") will evaluate to true).

The condition Distance and the condition modifiers Beyond and NotBeyond are particularly important because they can directly influence the search. The former (Distance) can limit the depth of the search and can help with constructing more elaborate queries (or sequence thereof) extracting only fine grained elements (e.g. nodes whose edges have particular properties or are connected to other nodes with some properties). The latter (Beyond and NotBeyond) can limit search to only certain areas of an otherwise larger graph. Its most basic usage would be with condition ids to flat out stop the search at certain elements or continue only beyond certain elements.

Truth tables

The following information should help with reasoning about the query conditions. Most of it should be intuitive but there are some aspects that might not be obvious especially when combining logic operators and condition modifiers. The search is using the following enum when evaluating conditions:

pub enum SearchControl {

The type controls the search and the boolean value controls if the given element should be included in a search result. The Stop will prevent the search expanding beyond current element (stopping the search in that direction). Finish will immediately exit the search returning accumulated elements (ids) and is only used internally with offset and limit (NOTE: path search and order_by still require complete search regardless of limit).

Each condition contributes to the final control result as follows with the starting/default value being always Continue(true):


Continue(left)Continue(right)Continue(left && right)
Continue(left)Stop(right)Stop(left && right)
Continue(left)Finish(right)Finish(left && right)
Stop(left)Stop(right)Stop(left && right)
Stop(left)Finish(right)Finish(left && right)
Finish(left)Finish(right)Finish(left && right)


Continue(left)Continue(right)Continue(left || right)
Continue(left)Stop(right)Continue(left || right)
Continue(left)Finish(right)Continue(left || right)
Stop(left)Stop(right)Stop(left || right)
Stop(left)Finish(right)Stop(left || right)
Finish(left)Finish(right)Finish(left || right)


Modifiers will change the result of a condition based on the control value (the boolean) as follows:

Beyond&& Continue(true)|| Stop(false)
NotBeyond&& Stop(true)|| Continue(false)


Most conditions result in Continue(bool) except for distance() and nested where() which can also result in Stop(bool):


For further examples and use cases see the efficient agdb.