

The agdb_server is the OpenAPI REST server that provides remote agdb database management. Running the server is trivial as there are no dependencies, no complicated configuration etc. It can be run on any platform supported by Rust. Please follow the guide:

How to run he server?

The server is based on axum (opens in a new tab) and uses OpenAPI to specify its API (via utoipa (opens in a new tab)) and rapidoc (opens in a new tab) for the OpenAPI GUI. To interact with the server you can use the rapidoc GUI, curl or any of the available API clients. Internally it uses the agdb database:

GUI accessible at (run in a browser when the server is running):




The server will create default configuration when run:

# agdb_server.yaml
bind: ":::3000" # address to listen at (bind to)
address: "localhost:3000" # address the incoming connections will come from
basepath: "" # base path to append to the address in case the server is to be run behind a reverse proxy
admin: admin # the admin user that will be created automatically for the server, the password will be the same as name (admin by default, recommended to change after startup)
data_dir: agdb_server_data # directory to store user data

You can prepare it in advance in a file agdb_server.yaml. After the server database is created changes to the admin field will have no effect but the other settings can be changed later. All config changes require server restart to take effect.


The server has a single admin account (admin by default, configurable with password being the name) that can perform any regular user action + all admin actions such as creating users. You can use this account for using the database locally but it would be advisable to use it only for maintaining the server and to create a regular user for use with the databases:

 # produce an admin API token, e.g. "bb2fc207-90d1-45dd-8110-3247c4753cd5"
token=$(curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:3000/api/v1/user/login -d '{"username":"admin","password":"admin"}')
# using admin token to create a user
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" localhost:3000/api/v1/admin/user/my_db_user/add -d '{"password":"password123"}'
# login as the new user and producing their token
token=$(curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:3000/api/v1/user/login -d '{"username":"my_db_user","password":"password123"}')

Users are allowed to change their password and to create and manipulate databases.

Available user APIs:

/api/v1/user/change_passwordchanges the current user's password
/api/v1/user/loginlogs in the user returning an API token
/api/v1/user/logoutlogs out the user and invalidating the API token *

The login is shared meaning if you login twice even from different devices you will get the same sahred API token of that user. Similarly when the logout endpoint is used this token is invalidated across all sessions.


Any user can create, remove and manipulate their own databases. To create a database:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" localhost:3000/api/v1/db/my_db_owner/my_db/add?db_type=mapped

Note that a user can only create databases under their own name. The db_type can be one of:

memory # memory only database, basically a cache
mapped # memory mapped database, using memory for reading but persisting changes to the disk
file # file based database only, no memory caching, reading/writing from/to disk

It is possible to add an existing database to the server. Move the db file to the server data folder and run /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/add API as if you were creating a new database with the db's name. If the file exists it will be added rather than created. Similarly you can remove database (instead of deleting it) from the server with /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/remove API that will disassociate the db from the server which you can then move and use elsehwere.

Database Users

Each database is scoped to one user (owner) who can excercise full control over it. The owner can add more users (they must exist on the server) to the database including admin level users with one of three roles:

read # can only run immutable exec queries
write # can run mutable and immutable exec queries
admin # same as write but can also admin the database

The admin users can do some (but not all) actions that the owner can:

Database Actions

/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/listreadlists the databases with role of the current user (owned and others')
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/addowneradds (from existing files) or creates a database (memory, memory mapped, file only)
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/backupadmincreates an automatic backup snapshot of the database (see backup docs below)
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/clearadminclears the content of the database (either all, db only, audit only, backup only)
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/copyreadcreates a copy of the database under the current user
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/deleteownerdeletes the database including files on disk
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/execread*executes queries against the database (*read permissions only allow immutable queries)
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/optimizewriteoptimizes the underlying file storage packing the data reclaiming unused regions (defragmenting)
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/removeownerremoves the database from the server but keeps the files on disk (main, WAL, backup, audit)
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/renameownerchanges the name of the database (this API can be used to transfer db ownership!)
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/restoreadminrestores the database from the automatic backup - the current database will become the backup
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/auditreadreturns the log of all mutable queries that ran against the database (with user who ran them)
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/user/listreadlist users of the database with their roles
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/user/addadminadds a user to the database
/api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/user/removeadminremoves a user from the database


Each database can be backed up. The backup API /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/backup has no parameters and will always backup the database under the same name to the "backups" subfolder in the owner's data. The database can be restored with /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/restore at which point the existing backup will become the main database and the current database will become the backup so it is not possible to "lose" the current state even if accidentally "restoring". You can revert to the state before backup by running another /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/restore. If you need more granular backup or multiple backups you can devise your own scheme using the /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/copy, /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/rename and possibly /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/remove or /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/delete APIs.


All queries are executed using the single /api/v1/db/{owner}/{db}/exec endpoint and are exactly the same as in the embedded/application database (see Queries documentation). However depending on the user's role the server may reject executing the queries (i.e. mutable queries executed by the user with read role in the database). The endpoint accepts a list of queries and the entire list is run as a transaction meaning either all queries succeed or none of them do. The endpoint will return list of results, one per executed query.

It is possible to reference queries from each other in the list and the server will inject results of the referenced queries to the next one. This is slight extension to the vanilla agdb queries. It is best illustrated by an example:

let queries = &vec![
    QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().count(1).query().into(), // :0
    QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().count(1).query().into(), // :1
    QueryBuilder::insert().edges().from(":0").to(":1").query().into(), // :2
    QueryBuilder::search().from(":0").to(":1").query().into(), //:3

In places where the alias can be used (an ids identifier) you can use an index prefixed by : to inject result of the previous query in the list. In the example we are inserting two separate nodes and then creating an edge between them and finally searching from one node to the other. An index to the results can be used in most places including conditions. What is currently not possible is to inject data (i.e. key-value properties) from results to subsequent queries.


While the server serves each request asynchronously and can serve any number of clients at the same time the queries and individual databases must still follow the basic principles of the agdb that are the same as in the embedded variant (and derived from Rust itself):

There can be either:

  • unlimited amount of immutable transactions
  • exactly one mutable transaction

However the agdb is written in such a way that it performs excellently even under heavily contested read/write load. See agdb_benchmarks and performance documentation.


Each agdb_server has exactly one admin account (admin by default) that acts as the regular user but additonally is allowed to execute APIs under /admin/. These mostly copies the APIs for regular users but some of the restrictions are not enforced (i.e. ownership or db role). Additionally the admin has access to the following exclusive APIs:

/api/v1/admin/shutdowngracefully shuts down the server
/api/v1/admin/user/listlists the all users on the server
/api/v1/admin/user/{username}/addadds new user to the server
/api/v1/admin/user/{username}/change_passwordchanges password of a user
/api/v1/admin/user/{username}/removedeletes user and all their data (databases) from the server
/api/v1/admin/db/*provides same endpoints as for regular users but without owner/role restrictions


The server can be gracefully shutdown with CTRL+C or programmatically by using the /api/v1/admin/shutdown endpoint which requires admin token, e.g.

token=$(curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:3000/api/v1/user/login -d '{"username":"admin","password":"admin"}') #will produce a token, e.g. "bb2fc207-90d1-45dd-8110-3247c4753cd5"
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" localhost:3000/api/v1/admin/shutdown


Following are the special or miscellanerous endpoints:

/api/v1serves rapidoc OpenAPI GUI (use this in the browser)
/api/v1/statusreturns 200 OK if the server is ready (up)
/api/v1/openapi.jsonreturns the server's OpenAPI specification as json